Section: Scientific Foundations

Autonomous driving and sustainable mobility

There are three basic ways to improve the safety of road vehicles and these ways are all of interest to the project-team. The first way is to assist the driver by giving him better information and warning. The second way is to take over the control of the vehicle in case of mistakes such as inattention or wrong command. The third way is to completely remove the driver from the control loop.

All three approaches rely on information processing. Only the last two involve the control of the vehicle with actions on the actuators, which are the engine power, the brakes and the steering. The research proposed by the project-team is focused on the following elements:

  • perception of the environment,

  • planning of the actions,

  • real-time control.

Perception of the road environment

The perception and understanding of the environment is the key element which is needed whatever the application is (information to the driver, helping the driver or substitution of the driver). This research area continues therefore to be a focus point of our research. It starts with the processing of data from various sensors, the cameras being the most ubiquitous ones because of their large capabilities to apprehend the dynamic 3D environment. Obviously, fusion of data with various other sensors is also a focus of the research, since cameras alone cannot apprehend every possible complex situation. We already have large experience with Lidars (Ibeo) and we will now integrates also radar sensors in the fusion approach.

However, sensing the environment alone is not sufficient for the most complex road situation to help or replace the driver. We have to understand the situation, however complex it is. This is another key area of our research, which relies on various types of coding techniques to store the information about the environment and to interpret it. For example, we have coded the information using ontologies, allowing various subsystems of the vehicle or several vehicles to share information. We also store the environment information in normalized space-time representations to deal with the differences between road infrastructures measured in terms of their geometry and object entities.

We plan for example to use directed positional acyclic labelled graphs (DPAG's) to cope with very complex situations. Communications between the vehicles can also use this formalism. Using information from others, the vehicle can reduce the uncertainty of its local model and extend its coverage (see beyond what the vehicle in front sees, the one of the other lane sees).

Planning vehicle actions

The second level of our research on vehicle control concerns the planning of the actions to be taken. From the understanding of the situation, we have either to warn the driver, to help him in the control of his vehicle, or to take control in case of a driverless vehicle. In simple situations, the planning might also be quite simple, but in the most complex situations we want to explore, the planning must involve complex algorithms dealing with the trajectories of the vehicle and its surroundings (which might involve other vehicles and/or fixed or moving obstacles). In the case of fully automated vehicles, the perception will involve some map building of the environment and obstacles, and the planning will involve partial planning with periodical recomputation to reach the long term goal. In this case, with vehicle to vehicle communications, what we want to explore is the possibility to establish a negotiation protocol in order to coordinate nearby vehicles (what humans usually do by using driving rules, common sense and/or non verbal communication).

The idea of using communication to enhance map building or coordinating robots to achieve a task is not new. However, the vast majority of the works are done under constrains that are unrealistic for the urban environment scenario. Typical assumptions are perfect knowledge of the robots position and perfect communication (no delay, infinite throughput).

Even overlooking this, most of the algorithms do not match the application scenario where vehicles are expected to be part of a traffic flow, where sudden stops, forcing multiple encounters, revisiting places are not acceptable behaviours. The best teams in the world which took part of the DARPA Urban Challenge demonstrated that these problems have not yet been fully addressed.

Execution control

The third level of our research on vehicle control concerns the execution of the actions which have been elaborated at the two first levels. Obviously, this does not concern applications where only advice is given to the driver. Here, we have to execute in real-time a particular action or set of actions. The research we want to conduct is mostly centered on the software tools to implement such real-time actions in an accurate and safe way. This is a difficult problem, which is the focus of many industrial projects with the development of standards for interfaces and development procedures.

The project-team builds on its experience with the development of safety critical software for the operation of its cybercars to take part of these standards, in particular in the field of fail-safe software and redundant architectures.